Applications Library
Stickies - A freeware application that allows you to place electronic "sticky notes" on your Windows desktop that remain even after you restart your computer - 0.97 MB. [Web Site]
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 - The official standard PDF reader from Adobe - 33.9 MB.
Unit Converter (aka Converber) - A very nice converter that will allow conversions from just about any unit to ANY other unit imaginable - 250 KB. It is in zipped format, and needs no install. Just double-click on the "Converber.exe" icon.
CuteWriter - Want to make your own PDF files? CuteWriter does it! After installing, you will have a new "Printer". Just "print" your document to this new PDF printer, and it will appear as a PDF file on your computer. May require an additional "converter" program on your computer. It automatically will download and install if needed - 1.5 MB. [Web Site]
Eclipse Crossword Maker - A freeware crossword maker program - 360 KB. [Web Site]
AxCrypt - AxCrypt is perhaps the easiest file encryption freeware currently available. The manual is available [here].
GroupWise 7.02 - GroupWise Client - WARNING: 75 MB size . The manual is available  [here].
Google Chrome (redistributable) - Freely available Google Web Browser - 23 MB.
VLC Media Player - A freeware (open source) media player that is considered the best replacement for the Windows Media player - 17 MB.
Cobian Backup v10 - A version of Cobian Backup that works in both 32 and 64-bit Windows- 15 MB.
Fences - A free utility to "organize" your Windows Desktop. You can place icons in named groups for quick access - 8.9 MB.
Sunbird - The free scheduling software you can use to keep track of students or anything else on a calendar! - 6.7 MB.
CDCR to CASAS Converter - This application will instantly convert any CDCR alphanumeric number to an equivalent CASAS number.
ScrewDrivers v 4.5 - The client driver for screwdrivers. A needed update if you cannot print to SID.
CTP - The Computerized CTP Files for both server and client in zip format